7-9pm, Friday, Nov 12th: Chelsea Quinn Yarbro discussed and signed her latest Saint-Germain novels, Communion Blood and Blood Roses (in hardcover and trade paperback respectively from Tor Books), and her collaborative Mycroft Holmes novels as ‘Quinn Fawcett’, The Flying Scotsman and Embassy Row (in hardcover and mass-market paperback respectively from Tor Books)
Monthly Archives: November 1999
Brazen Hussies – Roessner Goldstein Murphy
5-7pm, Thursday, Nov 11th: The Brazen Hussies!
Michaela Roessner (The Stars Compel, in hardcover from Tor Books), Lisa Goldstein (Dark Cities Underground, in hardcover from Tor Books) and Pat Murphy (There and Back Again, by Max Merriwell, in hardcover from Tor Books)