7-9pm, Friday, Nov 12th: Chelsea Quinn Yarbro discussed and signed her latest Saint-Germain novels, Communion Blood and Blood Roses (in hardcover and trade paperback respectively from Tor Books), and her collaborative Mycroft Holmes novels as ‘Quinn Fawcett’, The Flying Scotsman and Embassy Row (in hardcover and mass-market paperback respectively from Tor Books)
Yearly Archives: 1999
Brazen Hussies – Roessner Goldstein Murphy
5-7pm, Thursday, Nov 11th: The Brazen Hussies!
Michaela Roessner (The Stars Compel, in hardcover from Tor Books), Lisa Goldstein (Dark Cities Underground, in hardcover from Tor Books) and Pat Murphy (There and Back Again, by Max Merriwell, in hardcover from Tor Books)
Wendy Froud & Terri Windling reading
7:30-9pm, Tuesday, Oct 26th: Wendy Froud & Terri Windling read and signed their new book, A Midsummer Night’s Faery Tale, with special guest Brian Froud attracting a lot of Pixar staff
Howard Hendrix reading
7-9pm, Friday, Oct 22nd: Howard V. Hendrix read and signed his new novel, Better Angels (in hardcover from Ace Books), and revealed that those with advance uncorrected reading copies have a very different draft than the published one
Kim Stanley Robinson reading
7-9pm, Friday, Oct 1st: Kim Stanley Robinson returned, reading juicy bits from The Martians (in hardcover from Bantam/Spectra) and Antarctica (in paperback from Bantam/Spectra)
Walter Jon Williams signing
6-8pm, Friday, Sep 24th: Walter Jon Williams read and signed his new novel, The Rift (in hardcover from HarperPrism), and talked about earthquakes
Poul Anderson signing
6-8pm, Friday, August 24th: the eternally charming grandmaster Poul Anderson entertained with reading many selections from his latest novel, Operation Luna (in hardcover from Tor Books), sequel to the Unknown-style fantasy Operation Chaos
Amy Thompson signing
7-9pm, Thursday, July 29th: Amy Thompson made a stop on a whirlwind West Coast tour, and read and signed her latest novel, Through Alien Eyes (in trade paperback from Ace Books)
Killer B’s Benford Bear & Brin
8-9pm (actually, more like 7:30-9:30pm), Friday, May 21st:
The Killer B’s! Gregory Benford, Greg Bear and David Brin read and signed their post-Asimov Foundation novels, Foundation’s Fear, Foundation and Chaos and Foundation’s Triumph (in paperback and/or hardcover from HarperPrism)
[Earlier in the afternoon, Christopher Moore cleared the confusion from the previous Friday, signed store stock, and exchanged books with the Killer B’s.]